Demonic Dreams

7 Demonic Dreams

Night terrors, sexual dreams, or other tormenting dreams may be a sign that demons are infiltrating sleep! One of the questions I may ask when assessing the deliverance needs of a person is if they have demonic dreams. Those needing deliverance do not always have unusual dreams, however, if they do, the dreams may be a key to what spiritual issues may be present.

What are demons?

Demons are spirits without their own body. They have distinct wicked personalities and a preferred diet! Whatever name a spirit goes by describes its character and mission. A spirit of fear can manifest in different ways, like phobias, anxiety, irrational fears, and uncontrollable terror. In addition, a spirit of fear is very fearful itself and will incite its host to feed it by watching horror films or meditating on scary thoughts.  

Signs of Demonic Dreams

No Spirit of Fear
Perfect love casts out fear!

Derek Prince taught that torment was one of the signs of a demonic attack. A rule of thumb is that if a night vision is tormenting, it is possible that a demonic dream has occurred! For example, an overflow of an infestation of fear can cause night terrors. If a person has repeated dreams that are terrifying, it can be a sign of a spirit of fear. If a person has repeated dreams of murdering people, then it can signify a spirit of death or murder.

In this teaching video, Lisa describes 7 kinds of dreams that may be signs of demonic influence.

7 Dreams that could reveal the activity of a demon

Getting Freedom from Demonic Dreams

As shown in the above video, it is possible to eradicate night terrors! It is true that if you starve a spirit it will weaken it. For example, not giving in to porn, watching horror movies, or believing lies about life can undoubtedly be helpful. However, nothing helps more than getting deliverance from the spirit and closing any entryways that allowed the bad influence to be there in the first place. If a person is set free from the root cause of the torment, the demonic dreams go away.

Freedom Resources

Lastly, here are some great resources in your journey to being set free and cleaning up your dream life! You can have peaceful sleep and live a life of freedom!

Video Series: Six Keys to Freedom by Lisa Piper

Free Indeed Video Series by Rober Morris

Set Yourself Free Manual by Robert Heidler

More Driven to be Free Articles on Deliverance
