Prayer Life

Miracles of a Prayer Life

John Wesley Quote on Prayer

Miracles and power are connected to a powerful prayer life. I’m more convinced of this truth now than I have ever been. Two months ago, we were so desperate to see people be set free that we decided to up our prayer time. Our team gathered to travel to a Freedom Friday in Cadiz KY. Instead of chatting, we prayed for the duration of our 45-minute journey.  We spent prayed in the spirit and sought the Lord. Once we entered the church an hour early, we continued to focus on God’s heart by seeking Him in prayer.

We have seen people set free every Freedom Friday, but there was a marked difference after almost two hours of prayer. Bishop Lance Johnson says, “If you turn the light on, the darkness is leaving.” As I took the microphone, words of knowledge flowed out of me like never before. The team was united and had a very successful time during the altar service. Prayer for people was easier, and people responded in humility to the call to encounter a living God!

Max Lucado Quote on p prayer life

Another quote from Bishop Lance Johnson is, “Your power and giftings are directly related to your prayer life. People want to do miracles and heal the sick, but no one seems to want to pray. You have to spend time in prayer with God. It is in the place of prayer that God conveys the identity of who He is. That’s where we behold Him and if you can’t behold Him, you can’t reflect him.”

The connection to the power of the gospel is faith and prayer. The direct link to believers getting and staying free is a life prayed out! The power for a minister to run their race without failing or stopping mid-run is a life of prayer.

Why talk to God?

Jesus told His disciples to watch and pray so that they would not enter into temptation. (Matthew 26:41) The passage goes on to say, “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Other reasons to pray according to scripture are:

  1. We don’t have because we do not ask! James 4:2
  2. Jesus said that we can ask in His name we will receive joy to the full! John 16:23-24
  3. It is the will of God 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  4. Our believe to be able to cast out devils comes through prayer! Matthew 17:21
  5. To hear the will of God Matthew 26:39
  6. It Glorifies God when we abide in Him John 15:7-8
  7. Praying for people can bring them life! 1 John 5:16

Another reason for prayer is that miracles are proudced out of access to God and knowing His nature. We talk about the miracles and the following in the video below:

  • Tips on How to Pray
  • Stories of Miracles from Prayer
  • Wisdom on how prayer abolishes idolatry and foolish talking
Rick & Lisa discuss personal miracles, how they learned to pray and the VALUE of a prayer life!

Statistics on how Americans talk to God

79% of American adults have prayed at least once in the past three months according to a Barna Group study. Interestingly, the report revealed that 82% of praying adults most often pray silently and by themselves. Matthew 18:19-21 reads that if two agree that what they ask will be done. The Barna study states that only 2% of those who pray will do so in front of another person or a group.

A prayerless church has gotten us into a lukewarm position. We must seek the Lord if we are to not only live out a life of freedom ourselves but see those around us walk in the same liberty.

A.W. Tozer Quote on a prayer life

A Life of prayer is a discipline that can be learned

If we really saw the miracle power of a prayer life, we would give all we have to connect with our heavenly Father in prayer. From the video and the Word, we can learn how to pray by:

  1. Reading the word. We can fashion our prayer after the example of Matthew 6:9-14
  2. Gathering with other believers who have a wonderful prayer life.
  3. There are books like Stormie Omartian’s The Power of a Praying Wife, or the Power of a Praying Nation.
  4. Learn how to pray the Word with those who have online examples. Pastor J. Howard Jones has recorded several examples of praying scriptures!

Our lives are so much richer when we encounter and commune with the One who created us. The power of the gospel will be unlocked as we develop a prayer life full of fervor and diligence.

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