The March Deliverance conference was a success! Not only did we get all the training in, but many people were set free. We are still getting the testimonies in. We did not intend on doing mass deliverance, but so many people expected Jesus to set them free, and of course, He did just that.
This page has the sessions, testimonies, and free downloads from the event. We did not record the actual deliverances. This is not something that we typically do. We enjoy watching people get set free in other ministries, but it has been our practice to not film people during deliverance.
Be the First to Register for the 8/12 1-Day Conference.

4 Sessions – Here are the Recordings!
Scroll down to see Testimonies and Q&A Clip
Scriptures Demons Love to Hate – Lisa Handout
The enemy recognizes the authority of the Word. We have designed this handout with scriptures our team uses when dealing with specific issues.
The photo is my deliverance Bible. I use colored sticky tabs to denote specific scriptures. For example, if I’m dealing with the spirit of heaviness/depression, all I have to do is thumb through to the blue tab through my Bible, and my arsenal is opened quickly! I have an index on the inside of the front cover in case I forgot what colors mean.

You will be amazed at how reading the Word will expedite freedom!
Checklist for Identifying Open Doors and Spirits – HANDOUT
Why is it important to take a look at this free download? Many times, a person will get set free and then not realize there are bondages in other areas. One woman I spoke to said, “I do not have a spirit of fear.” However, when she went through the checklist, she realized that was her one major issue! It had been disguised and she didn’t recognize it.
While we do not often have to know the names of spirits, it is very helpful to know what the issues are so that we can renew our minds by looking up specific scriptures and getting good teachings so that we are never revisiting healed issues again!
The Weight of Accusations & How to Fix It! – FREE DOWNLOAD
We often deal with people who only hear in their minds how unworthy they are. They can easily believe that God loves everyone but them. What they do not recognize is that the enemy is talking disguised as familiar whispers. The following simple worksheet will help those who are bound with lies to start thinking about what is an accusation and what the truth is! After they begin hearing and writing the truth, they can use the sheet as a tool to declare when the liar begins accusing!
John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. NKJV
Post Deliverance Lies – FREE DOWNLOAD
Every person who is set free will need to prepare themselves for the onslaught of lies courtesy of a lying double-tongued enemy. Believed lies work. The enemy has used them for centuries to build up strongholds in those who fall for them. This worksheet shows the most popular lies and will help combat this spiritual warfare tactic!
How do you get more training? FREE DOWNLOAD
Want to learn more about deliverance? The button below contains a list of books and videos that I recommend to get you started!
The late Rick Clendenen said that reading 50 books on any subject is the equivalent of getting a bachelor’s degree. If you want to learn on your own and get the best resources, download the list below!
1-Day Conference Deliverance Resources & Notes!
If you didn’t get a workbook or would like to download some color copies, here are the notes in pdf form for your convenience!