Q&A Deliverance Panel

One of the favorite sessions at the 1-Day conference is the Q&A deliverance panel session, where speakers get to answer questions from the audience. It’s a great time of learning and sharing. (full video below)

The panel includes:

Pastor Tod and Michele Hill www.CFire.us
Apostle Kevin Bailey www.TouchoftheMasterHMI.org
Amber Hackney and Lisa Piper www.DrivenToBeFree.org www.LisaPiper.com

Questions to be answered in the Q&A deliverance panel

  • How can you tell the difference between a person or a demon saying no?
  • If pain returns or moves around after deliverance from a spirit of infirmity, should I get prayer again.
  • How can I speak life to children who are going in the opposite direction from God?
  • Why do Christians vote for people who do ungodly things? And, can a demon make a person do something they do not want to do?
  • How do I show love and grace to a person when I’m irritated by the demon?
  • Why would God allow Christians to be humiliated by demons through manifestations?
  • I’ve been diagnosed with health conditions and do not think it is a deliverance situation, but could it be?
  • How can I tell between a broken heart and a demon?
  • Why doesn’t everyone speak in tongues, and how can a person lose their ability to speak in tongues?
  • Why can’t I have faith to quit Nicotene? If all sickness can be healed then why do people die?
