Deliverance Stories

Freedom & Deliverance Stories

Before I heard one deliverance story, my life was out of order and I was unaware I was in bondage. More than 20 years ago, I awoke in a hotel room to the Lord giving me two visuals that began my journey of freedom. The first picture was a child’s stacking toy. When I saw the toy in the vision, the bright-colored stacking rings were out of order. He said, “That’s you.”

Later, I concluded He was saying that my focus and priorities were out of order. In addition, the lack of structure was hindering the flow of anointing in my life.

Prioritize your life

The Second Picture

In the second picture, I saw all kinds of grossness inside some plumbing. He said to me that I too was clogged! Until the light His truth came on, I had no idea that I had any type of clogging or bondage! Yet, I was fearful, prideful, full of rejection, and rebellious.

Later, I concluded He was saying that my focus and priorities were out of order. In addition, the lack of structure was hindering the flow of anointing in my life.

In the second picture, I saw all kinds of grossness inside some plumbing. He said to me that I too was clogged! Until the light of His truth came on, I had no idea that I had any type of clogging or bondage! Yet, I was fearful, prideful, full of rejection, and rebellious.

Faulty Plumbing Pic

Deliverance Stories With Rick

I told the story of the two pictures God showed me in the video below that I did with Rick Hahn. Rick and I talk candidly about some of our own deliverance stories as well as praying for others. We share tips for knowing when a person is in bondage and how to be set free.

Freedom Stories with Rick

Unplugging the Freedom Pipes

There are those who scoff at the freedom stories. One of the questions I get a lot is about Christians needing to be set free from the demonic. Let me make some blanket statements before responding to that inquiry:

  • Bondage, Fear, Strife, and wickedness come from Satan. John 10:10
  • When a person is born again, their spirit comes alive. Their body looks the same. They still have the same memories they did before their conversion. John 3:5-8
  • Christians get sick, yet we have a healer. Christians can be in bondage, yet we serve a deliverer. 3 John 1:2 Luke 4:18

If believers do not need deliverance, then why are they in need of being set free? All of the deliverance stories I tell are of believers getting freedom and victory! I wish that someone had told me that our God is a delivering creator who not only provided for our healing and freedom but wants us to walk in liberty.

You Can Have Your Own Deliverance Story

Prayer Life

It is not hard to be set free, but you do have to want out of the prison. In the video, Lisa talked about people who feel the bondage rise and then squash it down. If you want to be free, allow the “yuck” to rise and leave. There is power in the mighty name of Jesus. We would love to hear your deliverance story! Please email us and we will rejoice with you!
