demonic movies

Demonic Movies. Can they demonize you?

The thought that watching a flick could actually transfer demons to a person is scary! For some, the notion that a movie could be demonic is unthinkable. But, what if demonic movies exist? What if horror shows or risqué glimpses are charged with a supernatural power that both afflicts, torments and sabotages the viewer? If it’s possible, it would be good to know, right?

What is a demon?

Before we discuss demonic movies and demonization, let’s discuss what a foul spirit is according to the Bible! The Greek word spirit whether is: pneuma. Pneuma basically means wind or breath. So, if it’s a evil spirit, then it is an evil wind or breath.

Derek Prince coined the definition of a demon to be “persons without bodies.” They are not disembodied humans, but rather, evil spirits from the kingdom of darkness. There is a devil who rebelled in heaven and was cast out. Luke 10:18 He took 1/3 of the angels with him. Revelation 12:4

There are different levels of “spirits” operating in diverse areas of the earth. For example, principalities and rulers who fell with Satan are territory spirits who rule at high levels of wickedness. Daniel 10:13; Ephesians 6:12 The ground level of dark forces are called demons. The Bible does not specifically talk about their origin, nor does it matter for those seeking to be free.

About Demonic

About Demonic Possession

Demons have different functions and personalities, but the #1 indicator that a demon is present is torment. A few of the spirits the Bible describes are heaviness, lying, and fear (intimidation.)

These spirits are simply known by what they do. A spirit of heaviness is depressed, lonely, withdrawn, and sorrowful. It hooks up with a person and tries to infuse the person with its own thoughts. A spirit of fear is fearful and elicits fear in anyone it infects. A perverse spirit is perverted and downloads its twisted perverse thinking into the human mind and releases perverted compulsions into the body.

The directive is to destroy. John 10:10 When a person lines up their thinking with that of a demon, it gives the spirit authorization to move forward and sink its proverbial claws into its victim. Demonic influence, harassment, and torment happen when an invitation is given through open doors.

Possessed vs. Demonized

Although the Greek word (daimonizomai) is translated in Mark 5:15 to the word possessed, the Greek root word means, “to be under the power of a demon.” Therefore, saying a person is possessed in modern-day vernacular simply means that they are under the influence or under the power of an evil spirit. A person cannot be owned by a devil. Deuteronomy 10:14 

Movies about demons and possession

Demons are a popular focus in horror and sci-fi movies. Sometimes wicked spirits are shown like shadows, monsters, or scary red-eyed devils. Hollywood excels in both glamorizing and showcasing the wickedness in demons and the devil.

I was once preparing to command a spirit to leave a woman. She was terrified at what might happen so I asked her what she expected. She cried out, “Is a swarm of flies going to come out of my mouth like that guy in the Green Mile?” No. That kind of dramatization does not happen. I smiled and reassured her, “Your head isn’t going to spin around either. I’m going to command it to go….it’s going and you will be free. It’s nothing like what you see in the movies!”

November Issue Driven

A good movie analogy of how demons work

Have you ever seen the doors in the movie, Monsters, Inc? Monsters go through the doors to solicit screams and fear out of children. The screams help the Monsters to thrive. That’s not a bad illustration of how demons feed. A demon of death and murder seeks to release thoughts of suicide, hatred, and infirmity.

When a person gives the spirit what it wants, it feeds on the sin and gains strength from the person. Spirits of perversion pressure a person to view pornography and do detestable things. The acts empower and energize the spirit while lassoing the person with feelings of shame, guilt, and filth.

Interestingly, the #1 scary movie is about a young girl possessed by demons. The Exorcist, by William Friedkin, was released in December of 1973. A reoccurring issue with moviegoers who paid to watch The Exorcist was that many ended up walking down the theater aisle only to faint, throw up, or leave the grotesque film crying! This happened so frequently that movie houses had on hand smelling salts to wake people up. There are reports of heart attacks during the movie as well as one miscarriage. Source:

There are dozens of scary demonic movies. Mixing the supernatural with horror is a favorite cocktail for moviemakers and a thrill for the viewers! Unfortunately, many people get their doctrine and ideas about demons from these fictitious stories.

For some, just the name of a horror movie is enough to conjure up fear: It, Chucky, Halloween, Jaws, or even Aliens can give those who have seen the films a good case of the shivers. The goal is fear, and often the fear lasts a lifetime past the 160 or so minutes that it takes to watch an entire show.

I’ve never even watched the Jaws movie. However, I know the sound associated with a killer fish. If I’m in the ocean and someone begins singsonging, “Dommm dom, dommmm dom,. dom dom dom dom….” People get jittery and leave the water!

It’s not just that horror movies have scary music, sounds, and lighting effects. Many horror movies push the edge by including elements that are tied to specific demonic spirits. For example:

  • The spirits of death: murder, accidents, violence, suicide, serial killing
  • The spirit of perversion: rape, incest, twisted sexual scenes, inappropriate nudity
  • The spirit of fear: phobias, screaming, grotesque scenes, etc.

Are demonic movies bad?

When a movie has the ability to produce specific tormenting thoughts and bondages, how can it be good? Consequently, how is it that so much screen time, money, time, and resources are given to glorifying and even exalting these creatures that the Bible calls wicked.

One of the specific indicators, as stated earlier, of demonization is torment. For a believer and someone walking in freedom through Jesus Christ, how can we allow spirits and their activities to be our entertainment? Check out the following scripture and pay close attention to what verse 32 says about those who approve of wicked practices. It’s sobering!

Romans 1:28-32

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 ]undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

2 Timothy 1:7

The Psychological Impact of Scary Movies

The movie Psycho was a 1960 American horror film. A famous scene in the movie depicts actress Janet Leigh being murdered in the shower. The movie was produced at a time when graphic violence was not permitted. The producer and director, Alfred Hitchcock, was able to manipulate the imaginations of viewers to create graphic violence in their own minds.

After watching the show, terror struck many theatergoers. Their imagination didn’t stop after the show but continued to conjure up images of grotesque and frightful scenes. As they stepped into their showers, new torment and fear replaced what was once a peaceful activity.

Psycho’s actress traumatized

Not only did moviegoers become terrified, but one of the cast members was so traumatized after the famous shower scene that she lived the rest of her life with a terrifying phobia.

In 1990, 30 years after the release of Psycho, Entertainment Tonight interviewed Janet Leigh. When asked about the rumor that she no longer showers, she said, “It is true. I stopped taking showers. I will not go into a shower unless there’s no other way to bath. And then the doors are open, I have something right close by. I’m facing the door and there’s no curtain. The floor looks like a swimming pool.”

The Science behind scary movies and its consequences

AP Psychology teacher, Heidi Mathers is quoted as follows: “Horror movies can cause a wide variety of side-effects, depending on the individual. One of the most noticeable side effects is sleeplessness. People may have trouble sleeping or toss fitfully all night due to the residual fear and anxiety from watching a scary movie.”

The writer of the article continues the quote, “The severity and longevity of the anxiety entirely depends on the individual. However, according to a research study done at the University of Wisconsin, children under 14 who watched horror movies end up having increased chances of developing anxiety conditions later in adulthood.” –Psychological Effects of Horror Movies

Scary movies, TV have lasting effects on youth

The Spiritual Impact of Demonic Movies

In the article Phycological Effects of Horror Movies, Mathers is also quoted, “Other potentially long-term and dangerous effects include, “paranoia, irrational fears, interest in the paranormal or demonology, things that aren’t psychologically healthy for the mind,”

Philippians 4:8 encourages believers to think about good things! When entertaining demonized songs, movies, and even games, it has an impact on the growth and faith of the believer. Jesus said He gives us peace that passes understanding. Paranoia, fear, and perversion do not bring or sustain peace.

Can You Become Possessed from Watching A Demonic Movie?

In order for this to be possible, a spirit would have to be transferrable through sight, sound, touch, or environment into a person’s mind or body. is this possible? Can the presence or influence of a spirit move from person to person or from an object to a person?

Since we know that the word spirit means wind or breathe, let’s look at the Holy Spirit. Is His power transferable?

  • John the Baptist – At the sound of Mary’s voice, Elizabeth was filled with the spirit and the baby leaped with joy in her womb. Luke 1:39-45
  • Paul and his Hankies – Handkerchiefs or aprons that touched Paul’s body were placed on people and evil spirits came out of the people upon contact! Acts 19:11-13
  • Hem of Garment – A woman was healed when she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. Matthew 9:19-22

The evidence and the scripture back up the transference of spiritual matter. If there is good transference, it stands to reason that if there is an open door for the enemy to travel through, he will do it.

Demonic movie possession example

A woman made an appointment to see me a few weeks ago. I hadn’t seen her for more than ten years. She described the panic attacks and perversion that had overtaken her until she was desperate for freedom. I asked her when she first remembered the fear appearing.

She concluded that it was after watching a horror movie. Afterward, she felt an eerie presence that had not been there before. Fear was accompanied by a new hunger to watch demonic-themed horror shows like The Conjuring and others. Although she hated the fear, she had a drive to digest as many perverse and terrifying movies as possible.

Pre-Possession Warnings

Often a believer will begin to feel conviction when watching something that is not okay to view. Personal conviction, experience, and the leading of Holy Spirit will guide us to what is dangerous if we are listening. One man told me that he avoids watching any shows with nudity. He said that a couple of seconds of viewing a bare-chested woman gives him weeks of struggling with porn, loneliness, and perverse thoughts.

The enemy specializes in counterfeiting. If the good can be transferred, why not the bad? Read 2 Peter 2:7-8. The Bible says that Lot was oppressed by the filthy conduct of his culture. His soul was tormented. How could he be tormented unless exposure transferred to him? We see later in his life that he was tricked into having incestuous relations with his daughters. I’m sure he never saw that coming when he began to open himself up to the perversions of Sodom and Gomorra.

Signs of Demonization After Watching a Horror Movie

Let’s take a look at what demons do and then we will discuss specific signs.

According to the Derek Prince sermon on How to Identify the enemy, demons do the following:

Characteristic Activities of Demons
A. Entice
B. Harass
C. Torment—unforgiveness opens the door to torment

  1. Physical torment—example of arthritis
  2. Mental torment—example of fear of going insane
  3. Spiritual torment—fear of having committed “the unforgivable sin”
    D. Compel
    E. Enslave
    F. Addiction (compel plus enslave)
    G. Defile
    H. Deceive—pride opens the door to deception
    I. Weaken, make sick, tired or kill
    J. General: Demonized people are restless in some areas

Specific signs of demonization after ingesting a Demonic Movie

Night terrors or perverse dreams are some of the most tormenting manifestations of a spirit of fear. And no wonder since the person is asleep and unable to reason, resist, or protest the dreamy horrors.

Other symptoms of demonic strongholds could be:

  • sleeplessness
  • feelings of something present in the room or inside that wasn’t before
  • inner thoughts that are tormenting and won’t let up
  • urges or compulsions to do things that are sinful that weren’t there before or weren’t as forceful
  • depression, fear
  • personality or emotional changes
  • hunger for more violent, fearful, and/or lust for media
  • voices or chatter in the mind
  • phobias
  • imagery loops (re-occurring images or sounds from the movie in the head)
  • unusual sounds that were not present before

What To Do If You Feel You’ve Been Demonized

There is one power that easily deals with and removes any darkness. Luke 11:20 Jesus not only cast out plenty of demons when He walked the earth, but He has given His followers the authority as well. Mark 16:17-18

In order to be truly set free and STAY free, a person must be born again. That is accomplished through giving one’s life to Jesus Christ and following Him. God has not made it complicated to know Him. We simply express with our mouths that Jesus is the son of God who took on our sins and was raised from the dead. We then confess Him as Lord and with our faith, we follow Him. It’s beautiful and transforming.

It is helpful to confess our sins and forgive others when converted. It will cleanse the soul like nothing else!

Romans 10:9-10 NKJV

“that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Getting Free

If you have “opened a door” to the demonic such as viewing a demonically charged movie, the first order of business is to repent.

  • Repent and determine to not do that thing again.
  • Forgive anyone who exposed you to the movies and forgive yourself. Ask God to show you anyone or anything you need to forgive then give the offenses to Him
  • Renounce whatever was in the movie that you need to come out of agreement with such as witchcraft, fear, perversion, depression, etc.
  • Command everything that came in through the movie to release you
  • If there are still issues, contact someone to pray with you and stand with you to submit to God and resist the enemy

After care

Once you are free from fear and bondage, it’s important to leave the doors closed that had been open to the enemy. I was set free from a spirit of fear over 20 years ago. While I am no longer afraid, I also do not purposely entertain fearful things. I do not watch scary shows, go to haunted houses, or engage in scary activities. For the record, I am 100% not afraid of a demon, but I am not going demon hunting. I have too much good to do to give them the time of day!

Reading the Word, being involved in a local body of believers in Christ, praying, and ingesting wholesome things will guarantee your success in long-term freedom.

If fear tries to show back up, a simple command like the one given to chase it away will suffice such as, “Fear, I command you to go now, in the name of Jesus.” It has to obey.

The woman in my office

I mentioned the woman who came into my office who had been in bondage since she began watching horror movies. She was so desperate to be free that she had already done the following before coming to see me:

  1. She removed all pagan objects and bad movies from her home.
  2. She stopped watching all scary shows or anything that was sinful in nature.
  3. She repented for having watched them and for disobeying God when Holy Spirit convicted her for fear entertainment.
  4. She forgave her father and her boyfriend for introducing her to movies and music that she should not have ingested
  5. The woman’s mother had attended a conference where I was speaking. Afterward, she told her daughter how to forgive, break soul ties with the movies, and even how to rebuke a spirit.

The girl told me that after she prayed on her own she had gotten free from the addiction to sex and pornography. She no longer felt drawn to scary shows. The one thing that remained was the panic attacks and bouts of fear. Because she had already closed the doors, I had her renounce the panic and fear and then I commanded those spirits to go.

She let out some sighs and then smiled so big as what had tormented her lifted off of her as easily as it had descended. Spirits are breath…they leave as breath. I can’t think of anything more beautiful than watching a prisoner be set free!

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