Recent deliverance movies, books, and public demonstrations of casting out demons have caused a surge in people asking, “What is Deliverance Ministry?” Some say deliverance is a new weird belief that Christians can be set free from personal demons.. Others claim that Jesus gave His followers the authority to set people free over 2000 years ago and freedom is not new. Deliverance is not new, but the use of the internet has catapulted freedom ministry to the forefront of Christianity.
We did not have a deliverance ministry in the church when I grew up. We did have demons and out-of-control flesh, but no one knew how to deal with the issues. As a twelve-year-old, I remember seeing a teenager go into a full-blown manifestation of a demon. He foamed at the mouth and hit the pulpit so hard he started bleeding. The outburst paralyzed every leader, deacon, and elder with fear! I also saw things like the treasurer and a deacon screaming uncontrollably at each other as each one worked to gain control of a business meeting. We sure did need a deliverance ministry!
Table of contents
Definition of Deliverance
The Word deliverance from Luke 4:18 (KJV) in the Greek means
- release from bondage or imprisonment
- forgiveness or pardon, of sins (letting them go as if they had never been committed), remission of the penalty
The word deliverance is also interchangeable with the word liberty! Therefore, the ministry of deliverance is the liberation of those who are captive. If a person cannot set themselves free or liberate themselves, then Jesus has provided help through the Holy Spirit and the authority of His name. He gave those who follow Him the charge to do the same miracles He did, which includes liberation from captivity!
The job of a deliverance ministry is not to create co-dependency. Deliverance is liberation! Ministers should work to connect people to the truth of God and work themselves out of a job!

What does deliverance include?
The ministry of deliverance through Jesus Christ can include but is not limited to the following:
- Forgiveness of sins
- Healing of the mind and body
- Forgiving offenses and sins of others
- Releasing of soul ties (emotional links and covenants)
- Healing and release from past trauma
- Liberation from lies
- Removal of unclean spirits (demonization)
- Removal of word and generational curses
Is Deliverance Ministry Biblical
Not only is casting out devils a commission to believers given by Jesus Christ, but His heart is that He loves and cares for the poor, the broken, and the lonely.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new ;
Mark 16:17 KJV
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:19 KJV
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
Matthew 10:8 KJV
Deliverance Versus Exorcism
Exorcism means to expel or attempt to expel a demon.
Deliverance means liberation, remission, or forgiveness! It includes expelling demons, but is much richer in that it also includes healing, salvation, and much more!
- When Jesus cast out the legion of spirits in Mark 5:1-20, he expelled the demons. This is an example of an exorcism.
- When Peter told the people to repent, he used the word remission. The word remission in the Greek is the same word translated to mean deliverance in Luke 4:18!
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38 KJV
When Jesus delivered a child in Luke 9:42, he both healed him and cast out the spirit. The comprehensive word to use would be deliverance.
And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his father.
Luke 9:42 KJV
Should you “Beware” of Deliverance Ministries?
When partnering with another believer for freedom, it stands to reason that one should be discerning. First of all, 1 Thessalonians 5:12 says to know those who labor among you. Getting to know a ministry before entrusting them with your liberation is important. Often, believers will get the victory after confessing their faults according to James 5:16. It is important to have a trustworthy person to pray according to this scripture.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16 KJV
Just like any group of people, there are good deliverance ministries, but there are also kooky spooky folks out there! Notwithstanding, there are also folks who want to do a good job but lack the skill, anointing, and experience. Yes, any believer can cast out a demon. However, in order to not hurt people, ministers must learn to hear the Holy Spirit and recognize when a situation needs someone with more knowledge or anointing.
One of the best examples of an excellent proven record of deliverance ministers was the late Derek Prince! Check out this article on his life and ministry.
Choosing a Deliverance Ministry
Have there been people hurt by deliverance ministries? Definitely. Have there been lives saved or changed through the same type of ministry? Absolutely! Consider that we are a society of consumers who know how to do research. We check reviews and how many stars a product has before we purchase it. Our freedom is so much more important than anything we could buy. With this in mind, the following are some things to consider when partnering with a deliverance ministry!
5 Things to Check or Do
- Pray. Those seeking help can simply pray and ask God whom they should partner with for deliverance. Matthew 7:7of 1 Thessalonians 5:12
- Check control. It is not good if a ministry assumes control over a person’s will or makes unbiblical demands. A good ministry will focus on the person trusting God…not the prayer workers. Stay clear of manipulation! Psalm 146:3-5
- Check for pride. If those involved in the ministry show no humility or if their way to pray is the only way, it’s an indication they need freedom themselves. If they gossip about other ministries, stay clear. They should show a love for not just teaching, but also receiving instruction. 1 John 2:16
- Check their love. Those needing deliverance are best helped when ministers are loving and kind to the person, even if they’re bold with the enemy. The ministry should be kind and have the fruit of the spirit. (Recommended reading: Moved with Compassion by Kay Tolman.) John 13:35
- Check their faith. Deliverance is not offered by just those in the Christian faith. Pagans and non-believers can offer a “form” of deliverance. The focus should be on Jesus Christ and His power alone. For example, sage does not eradicate demons. Jesus cast spirits out with His words. The use of sage for spiritual warfare is witchcraft and will invite not deter spirits. 1 John 4:1
Recently, I watched a video where Isaiah Saldivar gave caution about the proper behavior of deliverance ministers. One of his quotes was, “I have made a decision I am not going to minister with anyone I wouldn’t let pray over my daughters.”
Recommended Resources
What does the Bible say about demons?
Demons aren’t new to the New Testament, but there are records of unclean spirits in the Old Testament.
- Demons and Sacrifices: Leviticus 17:7 reads that sacrifices offered to idols are actually offered to demons (also Deut 32:17; Psalm 106:37)
- Disobedience and Demons: 1 Samuel 16:14 shows that after disobedience, the spirit of the Lord left Saul. A demon came and “troubled him.”
- God is Boss Judges 9:23 These evil spirits in Judges were cruel. The disobedience and rebellion of the people made sure that God was not with them. Can God use an evil spirit? Sure can! He is the boss. God is not wicked, but he is just. If people choose against Him, He will let them.
- Spirits are present in witchcraft, divination, wizardry, and the killing of innocent children. 2 Chronicles 33:6
In addition to these Old Testament scriptures, we see demons in the New Testament causing torment, disease, rebellion, insanity, and more! Mark 1:27; Mark 5:2; Mark 7:25; Luke 8:29; Acts 8:7
For my study guide on Demons in the Bible, Click Here. There is no doctrine in this book, but just a guide through the scriptures.
How did Jesus deal with Demons?
In every case, Jesus showed no fear, no intimidation, and was in total control of the situation. He spoke to demons much like one would a person. We do not see that Jesus was out of control nor did He show anything but kindness to those being set free.
- He cast them out using His words. Matthew 8:16
- He told them to be quiet and come out, Mark 1:25
- He cast them out and would not permit them to speak. Mark 1:34
- When they cried out, He took authority. He rebuked and silenced them. Luke 4:41
- After asking the name, he granted the spirits to go into the swine. He told them to, “Go.” Matthew 8:32
- He called the spirit by name and told it to come out. He also told it not go into the boy again. Mark 9:25
How does a person become demon-possessed?
First of all, the Word possessed in our culture typically means to be owned. Demons cannot own a person. Deuteronomy 10:14 There are those who submit their will to demons or Satan, but God owns everything. Sometimes bound people who made a “deal with the devil” will say they sold their soul. No, they didn’t. They submitted their life to the darkness…or they loaned their will to the enemy. Romans 6:16 Interestingly, even if they did say that the devil can have their soul, there is enough power in submitting to Jesus Christ as Lord to make the enemy release the “borrowed” soul.
Possessed verses demonized
Since the devil cannot own people, it is true that the enemy can and does influence people. The word translated in the King James as possessed actually means “under the power of a demon.” How does one come under the influence?
- Sin John 5:14
- Unforgiveness Matthew 18:34
- Disobedience 1 Samuel 16:14
- Submitting to idols 2 Chronicles 33:6
- Iniquity in the Bloodline Exodus 20:5
- Believing Lies John 8:32
- Invitation Judges 8:33
When a door is open, anything from the outside can come in. Sin, trauma, hate, and disobedience are a few open doors that allow the enemy to walk in and make a mess.
Can a Christian Have a Demon?
If the meaning of possession is to be under the influence or power of a demon, perhaps a better question would be, “Can a believer be under the influence of a demon?” The new believer, Simon, the former sorcerer, was told by Peter he was in the bond of iniquity. Acts 8:9-24
Jesus provided freedom for His people. When a person is born again, they become a new creature that can be filled with the precious Holy Spirit. However, the mind has to be renewed. The body is typically the same. A better question may be, “Can a Christian be in bondage?” Of course, the answer is yes. Who torments and binds? Not God. Demons are the culprits.
The following is a wonderful testimony of a believer getting deliverance while in the ministry:
The Dangers of Not believing in the ministry of deliverance
In the deliverance ministry, it is not uncommon to face extreme opposition from fellow believers. It was the Pharisees who withstood Jesus when He cast out devils. They accused Him of operating through the prince of the devils. Matthew 12:23-25 I have been pretty good at just loving the “haters” and forgiving them. However, there is one thing that I know is true. Those who refuse to believe a Christian can be in bondage never get free themselves and they keep others from being free. Matthew 23:4-8
A few years ago, a desperate young mother came to me. The confused woman was fearful, angry, and confused. As a teenager, she had approached her spiritual leaders and was told there was no way she could be demonized as a believer. Devested to know the horrific thoughts that flooded her mind and dreams could not be a spiritual issue, she was tormented further as she concluded that she was an awful person. She was in bondage but was told it wasn’t possible.
After our church began to embrace deliverance, she was gloriously set free. She was elated but also a bit angry. She said, “I have lived in misery so long. Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
The danger to not permitting people to come out of bondage is that it does not honor God and does not take advantage of the benefits that Jesus provided for His people. Look at the words Jesus said in Matthew 12:28 about demons being cast and how it reveals the kingdom of God has come!
But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. Matthew 12:28 NKJV

How does a deliverance ministry expel a demon?
Since a spirit can come in through a door, the first act of business is to close the access points. We were all born into sin and sin is an open door. In order for a spirit to be cast out and remain out, a person must close the doors to sin and follow the One who made a way for the deliverance, Jesus Christ.
There are basic steps that may be included in a deliverance session, but no two deliverances are alike. God may just come in and do business in a moment, or He may walk a person through different steps until they can fully trust Him. To set someone free, the following steps may be used:
Seeking God
- Prayer: Ask God for direction and insight. James 1:5
- Spiritual Warfare: Sometimes believers need to fast, pray, and seek God on the keys to deliverance. Matthew 9:29
Submitting to God
- Repentance: Once He shows sin or iniquity, the person should acknowledge the sin and repent. Repent means to turn away. The person can simply say, “God, I am sorry. I turn to You and turn away from the sin of: __________.” 2 Corinthians 7:9-10
- Forgiveness: The Bible is clear that torment can be a direct result of unforgiveness. Matthew 18:34 Ask God to reveal every person or event that needs to be released to Him. Forgiveness doesn’t absolve the offense, it merely disconnects the wounded person from the offense so they can be healed and set free.
- Renunciation: Renunciation is like choosing sides. If a person had engaged in sinful behavior, occult practices, or agreed with the enemy, saying, “I renounce ____________” is like saying, “God, I choose you. I want nothing to do with this sin and I choose you. I want to be released from its grip.” Daniel 4:27; Daniel 9:4-19; Proverbs 28:13 (This is also used in cutting generational patterns of iniquity)
- Cut Soul Ties: This is like renunciation. Where there have been sexual covenants or other ungodly agreements, a person can renounce these ties and ask the Lord to cut them from the emotions and the consequences of the oaths. Matthew 18:18; 2 Corinthians 6:14
- Clean the House: Removing idols and abominable objects can be an important part of freedom! Leviticus 26:1; Acts 19:19
Partnering with Others
- Agreement: There’s a lot of power, authority, and insight that comes with praying with others. Having a small team using different gifts of the spirit is helpful. Matthew 18:20
- Anointing and Laying on of Hands: It can be very helpful to have believers partnering with a person to be set free. A deliverance ministry is useful to step into this role. Mark 16:18; Hebrews 6:1-3; James 5:14
- Discipleship and Renewing the Mind: Being set free is easy. The walk afterward must be focused. Getting into the Word to renew the mind, and walking out freedom every day is a glorious adventure! One of the very best books for understanding and walking through deliverance is the book Set Yourself Free by Robert Heidler. Romans 12:2; Hebrews 5:13-14
Resist and Expel the Enemy
- Binding and Loosing: Using the authority of Jesus Christ, believers can use their voice to bind the enemy. This keeps the enemy from operating. Loosing is when the command is given to an unclean spirit to loose the person and remove it from its demonic assignment. Typically, the command is something like, “I bind every lying spirit. I command you to come out now in the name of Jesus.” Matthew 18:18-19; Mark 1:25;
Suggested Resources
Driven to be Free Resources
In our ministry, we have had believers who wanted to help those bound say, “I just need some tools! I want to see people set free.” Our team offers the following to help train and equip those with a passion to do the works of Jesus!
- We do training and workshops for churches and small groups. This can include what we call
-Freedom Fridays. (1 night of teaching followed by mass deliverance) (Click here to request training.)
-1-Day Conferences (1 full day of workshops and prayer)
-3-day Conferences (These are usually for churches developing teams. We come in and train the teams and do deliverance with those in attendance.) CLICK here for the Event/Training Request form - and are websites to post articles, teachings, and resources. Driven to be Free Magazine is a one-stop place to learn about freedom conferences, teachings, networking, and more!
- Our E-Newsletter goes to those who sign up for events or to receive the email. The form to sign up is at the bottom of this article!
- The Deliverance Companion. Over the years we have created or collected amazing tools for freedom ministry. In The Deliverance Companion., we have collected into one book proven freedom methods, worksheets, and resources. This book is excellent for ministers to use with those they are working with for freedom as well as those who are studying and praying for freedom on their own.
The readers will be able to move through a variety of processes and worksheets to:
- Diagnose reasons for unwanted behaviors, fears, bondage, etc.
- Process and remove effects of:
- Lies
- Trauma
- Generational Curses
- Inner Vows & Judgements
- Strongholds in the home
- Shame
- Triggers
- Demonization
- Document your journey with:
- Journal Sheets
- Prayer Sheets
- Learning/Resource Journal
- Before/After Praise list

How to get involved in Deliverance Ministry
Jesus was minding the business of the Kingdom when people cried out to be free. As you follow Jesus and prepare yourself for the ministry, He will open the doors. Here are some bulleted tips for preparation for freedom ministry:
- Get free yourself. Not only get free, but live a life of freedom by forgiving quickly, repenting, and being teachable.
- Study the Bible and Pray
- Find those who are doing deliverance in love and seeing fruit and learn all that you can.
- Read, Watch Videos, and Do the Work.
- When your compassion to see someone set free arises, begin to pray for them and ask God what part you have in their freedom. Let Him open the doors and then walk boldly into His will.
- Don’t be weird! Deliverance is a normal part of the work of Jesus. Seek the Lord for wisdom and seek wise counsel!
- Partner with ministries that already have teams and get some experience if at all possible!