Divination in the Bible

Divination in the Bible: What the Bible Says About Divining for Answers

Would you be surprised to find that the word divination in the Bible 25 times? Our culture is filled with demonic sorcery-filled movies, music, and games. It is important to know what the Bible says so that we do not pay homage to demons and the devil.

In 1979, the rock star Bob Dylan wrote a song, “You Got To Serve Somebody.” In this song, the chorus stands out to me,

“You’re going to have to serve somebody, Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, But you’re going to have to serve somebody”

While I am not sure where the artist stands with God today, his song highlights a fundamental truth. There are only two choices: good or evil.  What does that have to do with divination? Everything! Check out these two scriptures:

  • Serve God or Money: Luke 16:13
  • If you’re a friend of this world, you’re an enemy of God: James 4:4

Remember the Garden of Eden? Genesis 3:4 Satan lied to Eve through the serpent. He slithered his way into Adam and Eve’s dominion by enticing them into believing God was lying and intimidated by them. He refuted God and told them they wouldn’t die by just eating the fruit. The lies of the garden have been repackaged and resold to mankind in every form of divination.  

What is Divination? 

Divination is a practice or set of techniques used to seek knowledge, guidance, or insight into the future or the unknown. It is typically based on the belief that hidden or supernatural forces can provide information or answers to questions about important decisions, events, or circumstances.  

Who wouldn’t want more power or control in life? The truth is that true power only comes from God. Every time we try to circumvent God and obtain power on our own, we are choosing evil.

Derek Prince Quote

Divination can take various forms, including but not limited to: 

  • Astrology: The study of celestial bodies and their positions to predict events and personality traits. 
  • Tarot Card Reading: The interpretation of symbolic cards to gain insight into a person’s life or future. 
  • Palmistry: The examination of the lines and features of a person’s hand to make predictions. 
  • Runes: The use of runic symbols to obtain guidance or answers. 
  • I Ching: A Chinese divination system that uses the casting of coins or yarrow sticks to provide answers. 
  • Numerology: The study of the mystical significance of numbers and their influence on events and individuals. 
  • Crystal Ball Gazing: The act of gazing into a crystal ball to receive visions or messages. 
  • Dream Interpretation: Seeking non-Christian help or resources in analyzing dreams to uncover hidden meanings or insights. 
  • Ouija Boards: Using a board with letters and a planchette to communicate with spirits or supernatural entities. 
  • Mediumship: Contacting spirits or the deceased to receive messages or guidance.  From a biblical point of view, these are all specific forms of witchcraft, Strongs h7081 (divination, witchcraft) So going forward you will see references to witchcraft used interchangeably with divination.    

Avoiding Divination: Know the Word

Growing up, I was not the brightest child, and I often did things out of pride or selfishness. When I was six or seven years old, I was a thief and a liar. Nothing I wanted could be left lying around because I would steal it. This was specifically the case with toys, candy, or money.

The only thing that checked my selfishness was fear of physical punishment. When confronted with my nefarious deeds, I would just lie to avoid the pain. I felt no conviction or guilt for any wrongdoing that I did. When I became a Christian, I was filled with the Holy Ghost and learned the Bible. Conviction came and was new to me!

I now can choose to serve God and listen to His voice. When the desire or temptation to entertain divination comes to a person, a choice has to be made. Will the person settle for a counterfeit and go into bondage or will they seek the truth?

After I was born again, I began to feel conviction. I would then look into the Word of God and make the right choices. Some do not know that divination is evil. Others believe that divination is their contact with God when they are actually entertaining evil spirits. When they come into the presence of the Holy Spirit and He opens their eyes, they will be able to see Satan’s power as a cheap counterfeit and not worthy of the attention it receives.

Divination in the Bible: What does the book say? 

From a biblical point of view, divination is a specific form of witchcraft. The words are interchangeable and come from the Hebrew word: qesem (Strongs h7081)

Christians receive guidance and direction from God alone. The Bible strictly forbids anything that attempts to circumvent His authority.  All forms of divination have their roots in idolatry. Deuteronomy makes it clear that looking to any source, but the Lord, for supernatural wisdom, understanding, or power is a sin. Deuteronomy 18:9-15

Going to any source besides the God of the Bible for supernatural wisdom, understanding, or future happenings is a sin and opens doorways for the demonic in a person’s life.

As a child I played with an Ouija board, I had imaginary friends, and had silly superstitions that would prevent bad things from happening or bring good luck. Later, I took martial arts and tapped into a power called your “Chi” or life force. While practicing this, I could achieve unbelievable strength and physical endurance.

All of this was divination. Not all supernatural power is Holy! When we tap into the workings of the kingdom of darkness, we open ourselves up to the enemy in a way that the Bible warns us not to!

New Testament Scripture

In the New Testament, the words witchcraft or sorcerer are:

  1. Listed in Galatians 5:20, as one of the works of the flesh. (not good)
  2. Listed in Revelation 21:8 as part of a group that would end up in the Lake of fire.
  3. Translated from the Greek words that mean magical remedies, the use of administering drugs, poisoning, magical arts, deceptions, and found in connection with idolatry (See Strongs Concordance to the Greek words: g5331 and g5332)

Old Testament Scripture

Leviticus 19:31
“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God. ESV

Daniel 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream:   King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that troubled him. He called on magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and Chaldeans to interpret the troubling night vision. When the paranormal workers failed to produce the meaning of his dream, the king ordered them all to be executed.

Meanwhile, Daniel sought the lord with his fellow Jewish slaves. God showed up for Daniel and revealed the dream and what it meant. The difference between Daniel and the sorcerers was that they drew their power from themselves and the demonic, Daniel called on the Lord.  

See also: Isaiah 47:9-13 This chapter tells us that God’s judgment is against those practices that were in operation in Daniel 2:2!

How Do Christians Receive Supernatural Insight into God’s Will and Wisdom?  

From a Christian point of view, all sources from which we seek power, guidance, or the future must come purely from God. Before Christ, God gave His people priests, prophets, judges, and some kings to seek guidance.

After the resurrection of Christ, we have free access to the Holy Ghost to seek answers. 

Until my early twenties, I was afraid of the dark. As a child, I would wet my bed before I would walk to the bathroom in the dark. I hadn’t been saved long and was working in a youth center. My job was to turn off the lights and lock the doors. It was terrifying! Then one day I realized that as a Christian, no evil could touch me.

The knowledge of what I had learned took root. I came into agreement with the truth that I did not have “a spirit of fear”, that I was, “a royal priesthood”, and that I had, “on the armor of God” When that revelation engulfed me, I stopped in the dark and I spoke out loud the truth. I refused to take another step until that fear left. It left and has never been back. My point is I did not call on a witch, a set of cards, or a Ouija board, I called on the Lord and His promises to me through His Word. 

Divination v/s Seeking God in Prayer

When we ask other Christians to pray for us, we are keeping His Word and seeking God. We aren’t asking them to make what we need happen, we are asking them to go to the Father on our behalf and seek Him for our situation.

When we resort to superstitious methods that involve chance outside of seeking God, with formulas, spells, and cards… we fail in our faith. 

Hebrews 11:6  "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." ESV 

What about casting lots?

Yes, lots were cast throughout the Bible to make important decisions and you would be correct in observing there is nowhere it is forbidden. But let’s look at Proverbs 16: 33 “The lot is cast into the lap: but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.”

When the apostles cast lots to decide who should take Judas’ place in Acts 1, they first sought God for viable candidates and two were selected. Notice verse 24, it says they prayed to God to determine the outcome, then they cast lots.

It all boils down to who you are seeking and the origins of your method.

I remember being caught in a situation where I was sure a lifelong friend and pastor had just lied to me. Rather than pitch a fit and demand an explanation, irreparably damaging our relationship, I went home and told the Lord I would not move until I heard Him on the matter. After twenty-four hours of fasting and praying I heard from God and understood what happened. Many of us have cast lots before God in one form or another.      

Examples of Divination in The Bible 

While Deuteronomy makes it clear this activity is wrong let’s look at some examples of when divination was used in the Bible: 

The Witch of Endor 1 Samuel 28 

While this story makes many points about violating God’s Word, note that God forbade anyone from consulting a medium. King Saul knew he was breaking the law and paid the price of his life and the lives of his sons for his iniquity. Theologians seem to disagree on what got conjured up when Saul consulted a medium. Some say it was Samuel and some say not. The Bible says it ought not have been done in the first place.

Saul had not learned his lesson from chapter 15, and continued in sin until he died.

1 Samuel 15:23  For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.” NKJV

Simon the Sorcerer Acts 8 

The condensed version of this story is that a sorcerer named Simon was born again. He was so excited about his new faith that he spent his time following ministers around. When the apostles came to town and he saw them laying hands on people to get filled with the Holy Spirit, Simon tried to buy the power to do the same miracle.

Peter rebuked him and and told Simon he was, “…in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.” Simon does not like what he is told so says the most important words of his life, “Pray ye to the Lord for me.” Any other words might not have ended well for him. In this case, Simon had been taken from sorcery, but he had not yet renewed his mind and gotten totally free from his past!

The Spirit of Divination Cast Out Acts 16 

Paul was ministering at Philippi when a woman possessed with a spirit of divination followed him and those with him. The important takeaway here is divination is a demonic spirit and often seems harmless, but it is not.

Recently, someone told me that water witching or finding water with a divining rod was witchcraft. I could hardly believe it! I thought my whole life that water witching was based on science. After doing some research I found there was no science to it all. Just demons.

Christian resource for Deliverance Can Christians have a demon?

Consequences of Practicing Divination 

There are consequences to sin and doing the things that God forbids. Think of divination as a carrot and death as a stick in Satan’s bag of tricks.  To choose divination and to seek a demon rather than the One true God will violate the Word of God on several levels. Exposing oneself to sorcery will open a door to other demonic forces.   

When a person opens up a door, there’s no guarantee as to what might walk in that door. A group of teens participated in some divination at a summer camp. They were all stricken with a fear that they couldn’t shake afterward. One of them began to manifest an evil spirit immediately. Others experienced tormenting dreams and a fear that they were not able to shake. This story is not an exception but an example of what consequences can occur when opening the door to sorcery.

To be involved in divination you must:

  • agree there is something you want that God will not or cannot give you.
    • This may be what you already know you should not have. like the case of King Saul in 1 Samuel 28 when he called on the Witch of Endor. 
  • plan to violate his Word of God and collaborate with the demonic.
    • This may involve an attempt to invoke power from God that the Lord has not given you as in Acts 19:13-16. The sons of Sceva tried to invoke the name of Jesus without the actual authority to do so and got more than they asked for!  
  • leave the Lord’s protection to cross a line and step from light into darkness to invoke demonic powers.

Satan tries to hide the consequences from us through lies and deception. In Matthew 4 we read how Satan tried to tempt Christ to sin by twisting the scripture. The devil is way outmatched!

Christ demonstrated the use of scriptures and the power of His Spirit in His answers. Many people will attempt to justify divination as harmless or as godly by downplaying the consequences with statements like,

  • “It’s just a game, no harm in it”
  • “This is not evil, there is science behind this.”
  • “These are not Tarot cards these are Angel Cards.”
  • It’s not in my heart to conjure a demon, I’m just interested in the occult. 

Divination is sinful and wrong. Sorcery will have consequences no matter how you justify it, explain it, or rename it. 

Finally, What Awaits Those Who Embrace Divination?  

The consequences are severe. Here on earth, we reap what we sow. However, what occurs after death for those who are in iniquity is much worse than any of us could imagine. It is time to repent now of all occult practices and humble ourselves before the One who will judge us in the end.

Revelation 21:7

 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

If you have been involved in divination, you can be free from the bondage that likely came in with the involvement. Where to start? DriventobeFree.org has a Deliverance Companion workbook that will help you walk through freedom. There is a section especially focused on the occult. There are ministries out there also who can help walk you through the process of coming out of the effects of divination and


Isaiah 8:19-22 " When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? 20 Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. 21 Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse their king and their God. 22 Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness." NIv

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  • Rick Hahn

    Rick has 40 years in ministry and is a well-loved teacher, mentor, and ministry partner. Rick is a part of the freedom team at The River and travels with the team to minister.

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