Can I Be Free From Depression?

Depression is not a spirit of heaviness, but it can be a symptom of a spirit of heaviness at work! I’m so happy to announce that my newest book on the spirit of heaviness is now available! Readers will learn the secret to overcoming the Spirit of Heaviness in the book titled, Can I Be Free From Depression? The chapters lay out an exposé on this weighty spirit. Readers will find out how it how it looks, what it sounds like, and how to get rid of it!


Readers can order online at the Driven Book shop. Orders will be shipped starting 12/19/2023. The book is available now at Amazon and Amazon Kindle.

Clear and Concise Chapters

The book “Can I Be Free from Depression?” is 107 pages and designed to be concise and easy to digest. You’ll discover tips on how the spirit of heaviness looks, sounds, and behaves. The author addresses how to be free from the weight of heaviness and gives helpful scripture at the beginning of each chapter.

  1. What is the Spirit of Heaviness
  2. The Symptoms of the Spirit of Heaviness
  3. The Goal of the Spirit of Heaviness
  4. The Sound of the Spirit of Heaviness
  5. What if it’s Not the Spirit of Heaviness?
  6. A Cocktail of Spirits
  7. Typical Manifestations When Leaving
  8. The Release from the Spirit of Heaviness
  9. Living Free
  10. Seasonal Depression

The Purpose of the book

“Why didn’t anyone tell me about freedom sooner?” is a common question asked by most people who experience the miracle of deliverance. I share that sentiment because I had suffered from horrible fear since I was six until I was finally set free almost 20 years later! At the age of 12, I became a born-again believer but no one had ever informed me that I didn’t have to be chained to the bondage of fear.

Because so many suffer with the spirit of heaviness, I didn’t want to waste any more time getting a possible solution into their hands!

I have firsthand knowledge of what it’s like to care for someone who is so depressed that they do not want to live. It’s heartbreaking and can be a lonely place .It’s possible that this book contains the breakthrough you’ve been seeking for your around you were are tormented with this sad spirit. I pray that as you read, God will grant you prayer strategies, wisdom, and clear direction, enabling you to restore, heal, and make your loved one whole!

The Benefits that Lead to Freedom

I want to point out that all the benefits of freedom are a part of the benefits package provided by Jesus for His people. If you are not a born-again believer, I hope you will get the book, but to access the miracle-working power, you must be a part of the family of Jesus Christ. The beautiful Son of God wants you, that I know without a doubt!

You can be transformed by confessing and believing in the Jesus Christ:

Romans 10:9-10

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

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