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It’s been 5 years since I introduced the Set Yourself Free with Six Steps. The video series is a great starting point for those who are…
Do you call a demon by its name or not? Some say yes, some say no, and others say sometimes! What’s right? And if you do need to know it’s…
What does a person do when inexplicable noises, movements, or atmosphere changes happen in their home? How does one spiritually clean their residence?…
The March Deliverance conference was a success! Not only did we get all the training in, but many people were set free. We are still getting the…
My Best Tips for Helping People Live Free I once heard a woman say, “When I meet with people to help them get set free, I go in with the goal to work…
Satan’s capacity for deception is never-ending. He was the original double-minded “follower” and he now finds purpose in convincing us to…
The Prodigal Father back cover reads: “Our Heavenly Father has been stuck behind walls we have built because our relationship with our natural…
I was standing near the baptismal pool when a local pastor leaned over and said, “There’s a new couple in my church. I told them to talk to you…
One of my favorite movie moments is when Rocky Balboa climbs the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and raises his arms in victory! He…