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Lisa Piper & Amber Hackney, LCSW have released the one deliverance toolkit you’ll love to have as a resource called, The Deliverance…
The spirit of error is a real demonic entity that weasels its way into the lives of people and causes emotional and spiritual damage. The spirit of…
It’s been 5 years since I introduced the Set Yourself Free with Six Steps. The video series is a great starting point for those who are…
Do you call a demon by its name or not? Some say yes, some say no, and others say sometimes! What’s right? And if you do need to know it’s…
What does a person do when inexplicable noises, movements, or atmosphere changes happen in their home? How does one spiritually clean their residence?…
The March Deliverance conference was a success! Not only did we get all the training in, but many people were set free. We are still getting the…
My Best Tips for Helping People Live Free I once heard a woman say, “When I meet with people to help them get set free, I go in with the goal to work…
Satan’s capacity for deception is never-ending. He was the original double-minded “follower” and he now finds purpose in convincing us to…
The Prodigal Father back cover reads: “Our Heavenly Father has been stuck behind walls we have built because our relationship with our natural…