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Idolatry and Deliverance

Idolatry is an overlooked reason why people do not get set free! Have you ever read a mic-dropping passage of scripture that made you speechless? I…

Pivotal Parenting

What does parenting have to do with deliverance? At some point, every one who has been set free was a child. In addition, much of the healing needed…

Freedom & Deliverance Stories

Before I heard one deliverance story, my life was out of order and I was unaware I was in bondage. More than 20 years ago, I awoke in a hotel room to…

Miracles of a Prayer Life

Miracles and power are connected to a powerful prayer life. I’m more convinced of this truth now than I have ever been. Two months ago, we were so…

7 Demonic Dreams

Night terrors, sexual dreams, or other tormenting dreams may be a sign that demons are infiltrating sleep! One of the questions I may ask when…

Kevin Bailey and Deliverance Myths

Apostle Kevin Bailey is an author, teacher, leader, and minister. His ministry, Touch of The Master Healing Ministries International, is based out in…

Spirit of Frenzy – A Gang of Demons

There is no spirit of frenzy mentioned in the Bible. However, when fear, pride, and other spirits work in unison to create chaos, it looks like a…

Greg Locke Deleted but Not Defeated

The bold and articulate pastor, Greg Locke, has not been a favorite in the mainstream media. Locke moved into the limelight for his Biblical views as…

The Spirit of Infirmity

Not every disease, sickness, or malady stems from a spirit of infirmity. However, there are sicknesses that are either worsened or caused by an…
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