Regret. Guilt. Remorse. The better the mother, the more likely she feels strong emotions about the mistakes of motherhood. They’re inevitable, but we do not have to make them worse by mishandling what has already been done. As a new mother, I certainly wasn’t prepared for the torment of knowingContinue Reading

Deliverance Safety

The ministry of deliverance is a ministry of miracles. Even so, as ministers, there are some things we can do to help people connect to Jesus without being harmed in the process. Freedom teams should be trained on issues of deliverance safety. Last month, we published a teams handbook thatContinue Reading

7 Reasons you aren't free

When we talk about being free, we mean being free from sin, bondage, demons, pain, wounds, bad attitudes, and anything else that Jesus came to deliver us from. The Bible says that Jesus sets the captive free, so why aren’t some delivered? John 10:10; Luke 4:18 Here are seven reasonsContinue Reading

Spirit of Error

Error is the one that almost got me. It ruined my reputation, embarrassed my family, confused my friends, robbed me of my passion, lifted me up, and then spit me out like a flavorless piece of gum. Error is relentless, cruel, and blinding.

When I think of all I have been through, I believe the spirit of error produced the most emotional pain for me and those around me.

Don’t stop. Seek out the Lord to be set free! Be as aggressive in getting rid of this unwanted invader as it was to trap you into deception!Continue Reading

20 Deliverance Tips

Who doesn’t want to learn the easy way? Here are 20 Quick Deliverance Tips that we use in our ministry that we wish we’d known to do from Day #1! Avoid error and taking the long way around issues by using the following tips! Tip #1 Pride will hurt theContinue Reading


Over the last few decades, the need for an opinion is almost expected. This cultural revolution reviews food service, teachings, and purchases. We share opinions on movies, games, and our favorite social media influencers. The problem is not our ability to form an opinion but to do so without firstContinue Reading

Brick Bible

I’ve had this Brick Bible article in my queue to write for months. I don’t want to work on it and I don’t want to release it! It’s not the inevitable backlash that is fueling my procrastination as much as the thought that those who should care will not. EvenContinue Reading

Depression is not a spirit of heaviness, but it can be a symptom of a spirit of heaviness at work! I’m so happy to announce that my newest book on the spirit of heaviness is now available! Readers will learn the secret to overcoming the Spirit of Heaviness in theContinue Reading

demonic movies

The thought that watching a flick could actually transfer demons to a person is scary! For some, the notion that a movie could be demonic is unthinkable. But, what if demonic movies exist? What if horror shows or risqué glimpses are charged with a supernatural power that both afflicts, tormentsContinue Reading

Can a Christian have a demon?

The idea that a Christian could have a demon has become quite a controversial topic among believers. The #1 questions our team gets asked by people either new to deliverance or those turned off by it are: The Bible has a lot to say about these important questions. Let’s discussContinue Reading