Can a Christian have a demon?

The idea that a Christian could have a demon has become quite a controversial topic among believers. The #1 questions our team gets asked by people either new to deliverance or those turned off by it are: The Bible has a lot to say about these important questions. Let’s discussContinue Reading

What is Deliverance Ministry?

Recent deliverance movies, books, and public demonstrations of casting out demons have caused a surge in people asking, “What is Deliverance Ministry?” Some say deliverance is a new weird belief that Christians can be set free from personal demons.. Others claim that Jesus gave His followers the authority to setContinue Reading

deliverance tools

Lisa Piper & Amber Hackney, LCSW have released the one deliverance toolkit you’ll love to have as a resource called, The Deliverance Companion! This 166 page workbook/journal is a how-to guide and Go-To Resource for Freedom and Deliverance! The book includes over 20 of our favorite worksheets! What does theContinue Reading

Spirit of Error

The spirit of error is a real demonic entity that weasels its way into the lives of people and causes emotional and spiritual damage. The spirit of error and lying spirits work together to keep people in bondage. What’s the difference in a lie and error? It’s been almost 30Continue Reading

Six Steps to Freedom

It’s been 5 years since I introduced the Set Yourself Free with Six Steps. The video series is a great starting point for those who are beginning the freedom journey. For some, significant freedom can be experienced with these videos; for some, the work done while processing the information willContinue Reading

demon names

Do you call a demon by its name or not? Some say yes, some say no, and others say sometimes! What’s right? And if you do need to know it’s name…how does one go about figuring out what it is? Different Opinions My issue with other ministries sometimes is thatContinue Reading

Spiritual House Cleaning

What does a person do when inexplicable noises, movements, or atmosphere changes happen in their home? How does one spiritually clean their residence? Furthermore, can a home even be occupied by a spirit? Spiritual house cleaning is sometimes needed, but we don’t want to fall under pagan practices like burningContinue Reading

1 Day Deliverance Conference

The March Deliverance conference was a success! Not only did we get all the training in, but many people were set free. We are still getting the testimonies in. We did not intend on doing mass deliverance, but so many people expected Jesus to set them free, and of course,Continue Reading

connect Derek Prince

My Best Tips for Helping People Live Free I once heard a woman say, “When I meet with people to help them get set free, I go in with the goal to work myself out of a job.” She went on to say that the best we have is toContinue Reading