Amber and Lisa spoke on how to detect and deal with a spirit of infirmity. This teaching was session #2 on the 1-Day Deliverance conference. The powerpoint is embedded in the video. Spirit of Infirmity Notes (downloadable PDF) Infirmity Teaching – Full VideoContinue Reading

One of the favorite sessions at the 1-Day conference is the Q&A deliverance panel session, where speakers get to answer questions from the audience. It’s a great time of learning and sharing. (full video below) The panel includes: Pastor Tod and Michele Hill www.CFire.usApostle Kevin Bailey www.TouchoftheMasterHMI.orgAmber Hackney and LisaContinue Reading

Spirit of Death

What is the Spirit of Death?  Sitting across from someone and seeing the hopelessness on their face is something that is seen way too often in freedom ministry. The spirit of death is tormenting, painful, and destructive. There is, however, freedom from its grip! Although death of the body isContinue Reading

Spirit of Error

Error is the one that almost got me. It ruined my reputation, embarrassed my family, confused my friends, robbed me of my passion, lifted me up, and then spit me out like a flavorless piece of gum. Error is relentless, cruel, and blinding.

When I think of all I have been through, I believe the spirit of error produced the most emotional pain for me and those around me.

Don’t stop. Seek out the Lord to be set free! Be as aggressive in getting rid of this unwanted invader as it was to trap you into deception!Continue Reading

20 Deliverance Tips

Who doesn’t want to learn the easy way? Here are 20 Quick Deliverance Tips that we use in our ministry that we wish we’d known to do from Day #1! Avoid error and taking the long way around issues by using the following tips! Tip #1 Pride will hurt theContinue Reading