Regret. Guilt. Remorse. The better the mother, the more likely she feels strong emotions about the mistakes of motherhood. They’re inevitable, but we do not have to make them worse by mishandling what has already been done. As a new mother, I certainly wasn’t prepared for the torment of knowingContinue Reading

Case Study #1

Here at Driven we had an idea! As a new article section, we are going to introduce case studies as a form of training. The following case study focuses on childhood trauma with a senior adult. The names have been changed to protect their identities. Please note this is notContinue Reading

7 Reasons you aren't free

When we talk about being free, we mean being free from sin, bondage, demons, pain, wounds, bad attitudes, and anything else that Jesus came to deliver us from. The Bible says that Jesus sets the captive free, so why aren’t some delivered? John 10:10; Luke 4:18 Here are seven reasonsContinue Reading


Over the last few decades, the need for an opinion is almost expected. This cultural revolution reviews food service, teachings, and purchases. We share opinions on movies, games, and our favorite social media influencers. The problem is not our ability to form an opinion but to do so without firstContinue Reading

demonic movies

The thought that watching a flick could actually transfer demons to a person is scary! For some, the notion that a movie could be demonic is unthinkable. But, what if demonic movies exist? What if horror shows or risqué glimpses are charged with a supernatural power that both afflicts, tormentsContinue Reading