How to Fix Trust when Broken

I was standing near the baptismal pool when a local pastor leaned over and said, “There’s a new couple in my church. I told them to talk to you. Would you mind?” Trust is a valuable and precious gift. It can be built, strengthened, crushed, abused, misused, misplaced, and evenContinue Reading


One of my favorite movie moments is when Rocky Balboa climbs the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and raises his arms in victory! He hadn’t fought the battle, but he knew he was ready! He did the work, he grew the muscle, and now he was ready toContinue Reading


Idolatry is an overlooked reason why people do not get set free! Have you ever read a mic-dropping passage of scripture that made you speechless? I experienced the stunned silence to raw truth when I read the 16th chapter of Ezekiel. God held nothing back as He exposed adultery andContinue Reading

Pivotal Parenting

What does parenting have to do with deliverance? At some point, every one who has been set free was a child. In addition, much of the healing needed in an adult began with a moment of time from their childhood. Pivotal parenting is important! One occurrence of confusion, trauma, injustice,Continue Reading

Deliverance Stories

Before I heard one deliverance story, my life was out of order and I was unaware I was in bondage. More than 20 years ago, I awoke in a hotel room to the Lord giving me two visuals that began my journey of freedom. The first picture was a child’sContinue Reading

Prayer Life

Miracles and power are connected to a powerful prayer life. I’m more convinced of this truth now than I have ever been. Two months ago, we were so desperate to see people be set free that we decided to up our prayer time. Our team gathered to travel to aContinue Reading

Kevin Bailey

Apostle Kevin Bailey is an author, teacher, leader, and minister. His ministry, Touch of The Master Healing Ministries International, is based out in Indianapolis, Indiana. In an interview, apostle Bailey discussed Myths surrounding deliverance and introduced his book, Rediscovering Spiritual Warfare. Rediscovering Spiritual Warfare by Kevin Bailey “Followers of JesusContinue Reading