Your feel like your heart is pure, and your hands are clean. You speak the truth and are getting eaten alive verbally for your effort. How in the world do you stand firm when the truth hurts those who hear it? You may feel alone, but like Elijah, you’ve neverContinue Reading

There is no joy in being demonized. Every unclean spirit produces torment and hopelessness. So, imagine what the power of joy could do for a person’s spiritual and emotional agility, perseverance, and focus! Oh the joys that come with being free! By leaning into the superpower of God’s joy, theContinue Reading

As I was watching some of our most vibrant teenagers at church doing ministry, I found it odd that the majority of the youth were fatherless.  I’m not talking about deadbeat dads; I’m saying that they had already experienced the death of a father. I’ve always had a soft spotContinue Reading

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, whose mother had organized women’s groups to promote friendship and health, originated Mother’s Day. On May 12, 1907, she held a memorial service at her late mother’s church.”  “Within five years, virtually every state was observing the day, and in 1914,Continue Reading

Regret. Guilt. Remorse. The better the mother, the more likely she feels strong emotions about the mistakes of motherhood. They’re inevitable, but we do not have to make them worse by mishandling what has already been done. As a new mother, I certainly wasn’t prepared for the torment of knowingContinue Reading


Over the last few decades, the need for an opinion is almost expected. This cultural revolution reviews food service, teachings, and purchases. We share opinions on movies, games, and our favorite social media influencers. The problem is not our ability to form an opinion but to do so without firstContinue Reading

Is this Gopd?

For years, I have battled a voice of accusation and guilt that left me tormented thinking, “Is this God?” The voice would constantly taunt me with, “You’re not doing enough” and “You’re not good enough”. The cruel voice was never satisfied and constantly craved more. It assaulted anything that broughtContinue Reading

Depression is not a spirit of heaviness, but it can be a symptom of a spirit of heaviness at work! I’m so happy to announce that my newest book on the spirit of heaviness is now available! Readers will learn the secret to overcoming the Spirit of Heaviness in theContinue Reading