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Idols Riot March 2025

4 Corners Conference Center 130 Agg Road, Tomball,, TX, United States

IDOLS RIOT! INTENSIVE HEALING SCHOOL… is an Intensive School on Healing & Deliverance which will, GET YOU SET FREE and then ACTIVATE YOU….in how to flow in MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS…after uprooting the root of idolatry in your bloodline. The SCHOOL will also unpack the holy grail of Scripture, the


Oklahoma Supernatural and Deliverance Conference

Authority Church 5818 NW 50th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Oklahoma Supernatural and Deliverance Conference Join us for an empowering and transformative experience at the Oklahoma Supernatural and Deliverance Conference! This event will feature special guest John Ramirez from John Ramirez Ministries and deep worship led by Matthew Daniels. The conference is hosted by Marvellous and Christance Arunda. Event Schedule: Friday and Saturday: Training Sessions: 9:00


ISDM Regional Meeting – Deliverance

The River 1580 Nortonville Road, Nortonville, KY, United States

COMING March 15th!  Registration is NO OPEN YET, but please mark your calendar! The meeting will include the following topics: Sylvie Sudduth: Recognizing the difference in Emotions and Demons Lisa Piper: Brokenness. Ministering to the fractured and shattered. Kevin Bailey: Trauma Deliverance Sylvie Sudduth: Cautions in Deliverance EMAIL: to


Deliverance and Miracle School

Williamson County Enrichment Center 110 Everbright Avenue, Franklin, TN, United States

The Dark Horse Deliverance and Miracle School Hosted by Contagious Love International WHEN: March 21-22, 2025 WHERE: Franklin, TN (**Nashville is the closest airport.) WHAT: 4 sessions packed with detailed training, equipping and ministry on the power of the Holy Spirit, miracles, deliverance and trauma healing. Friday night - 6-9pm (Session 1) Saturday morning-10am-12pm


Let My People Go Conference

New Covenant School 7 Clematis RD, Lexington, MA, United States

Learn To Cast Out Demons the Bible Way Jesus preached the gospel, then he cast out demons. These two ministries went together, and were never meant to be separated. Yet, delivering people from evil spirits is probably the most neglected ministry in the contemporary church today, especially in New England. That's why

Destroying Curses and Living Out Your Purpose and Your Destiny in 2025

Armen Ministry / Foundation Of Truth In Christ Church 735 E Lexington Dr,, Glendale, CA, CA, United States

Event description Learn how to build up your inner man, your relationship with the Holy Spirit, and how to defeat the schemes and wiles of the enemy. It's time for us, the church, to be spiritual snipers and special ops, by training, equipping, and standing on defense and offense for


The Power of Forgiveness

Ellel Ministries 1708 English Acres Drive,, Lithia,, FL, United States

When Jesus spoke from the Cross, “Father forgive them”, He released to humankind an immensely powerful key for restoration from the bondage of pain from the past. For true freedom we need not only to receive God’s forgiveness for our own sinful actions but we need to extend forgiveness to


Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal

Ellel Ministries 1708 English Acres Drive,, Lithia,, FL, United States

If there is one thing that would really change our sense of well-being it is to know that we are unconditionally loved and accepted. The scriptures tell us that God loves all He has created and that when we accept Jesus as our Savior we are fully part of God’s


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