demonic movies

The thought that watching a flick could actually transfer demons to a person is scary! For some, the notion that a movie could be demonic is unthinkable. But, what if demonic movies exist? What if horror shows or risqué glimpses are charged with a supernatural power that both afflicts, tormentsContinue Reading

Can a Christian have a demon?

The idea that a Christian could have a demon has become quite a controversial topic among believers. The #1 questions our team gets asked by people either new to deliverance or those turned off by it are: The Bible has a lot to say about these important questions. Let’s discussContinue Reading

This In Person Training has two available tracks for prayer ministers to further grow in knowledge and experience in various topics! ConnectUp’s Module 1 Training equips believers in the basics of prayer ministry using the ConnectUp model. ConnectUp M1 Training is a basic training on healing prayer including topics ofContinue Reading

Guests and members can register for the annual ISDM meeting. Dallas TX SPEAKERS John Veal, Doug Carr, Selwyn Stevens, Sherill Piscopo, Al Hauck and more to be announced soon! Our speakers are experts that have built a reputation in deliverance ministry for several decades. Some of the topics we willContinue Reading

Amber and Lisa spoke on how to detect and deal with a spirit of infirmity. This teaching was session #2 on the 1-Day Deliverance conference. The powerpoint is embedded in the video. Spirit of Infirmity Notes (downloadable PDF) Infirmity Teaching – Full VideoContinue Reading

There is no joy in being demonized. Every unclean spirit produces torment and hopelessness. So, imagine what the power of joy could do for a person’s spiritual and emotional agility, perseverance, and focus! Oh the joys that come with being free! By leaning into the superpower of God’s joy, theContinue Reading

Regret. Guilt. Remorse. The better the mother, the more likely she feels strong emotions about the mistakes of motherhood. They’re inevitable, but we do not have to make them worse by mishandling what has already been done. As a new mother, I certainly wasn’t prepared for the torment of knowingContinue Reading

Case Study #1

Here at Driven we had an idea! As a new article section, we are going to introduce case studies as a form of training. The following case study focuses on childhood trauma with a senior adult. The names have been changed to protect their identities. Please note this is notContinue Reading

7 Reasons you aren't free

When we talk about being free, we mean being free from sin, bondage, demons, pain, wounds, bad attitudes, and anything else that Jesus came to deliver us from. The Bible says that Jesus sets the captive free, so why aren’t some delivered? John 10:10; Luke 4:18 Here are seven reasonsContinue Reading

Downloads are organized under the book or teaching where the resource was mentioned. NOTE: We are working to add all of our downloads on this page. Please check back for more as we migrate to this one area. All books are available at or click on the book coverContinue Reading