Pastors Tony & Mellisa Williams of Love of Christ Community Church in Indio, California/Palm Springs Area known as the Coachella Valley welcomes you to join us for a night of powerful teaching and breakthrough training with renowned author and Evangelist John Ramirez. As the author of several books on SpiritualContinue Reading

The Dark Horse Deliverance and Miracle School Hosted by Contagious Love International WHEN: March 21-22, 2025 WHERE: Franklin, TN (**Nashville is the closest airport.) WHAT: 4 sessions packed with detailed training, equipping and ministry on the power of the Holy Spirit, miracles, deliverance and trauma healing. Friday night – 6-9pm (Session 1) Saturday morning-10am-12pmContinue Reading

COMING March 15th!  Registration is NO OPEN YET, but please mark your calendar! The meeting will include the following topics: Sylvie Sudduth: Recognizing the difference in Emotions and Demons Lisa Piper: Brokenness. Ministering to the fractured and shattered. Kevin Bailey: Trauma Deliverance Sylvie Sudduth: Cautions in Deliverance EMAIL: toContinue Reading

Learn To Cast Out Demons the Bible Way Jesus preached the gospel, then he cast out demons. These two ministries went together, and were never meant to be separated. Yet, delivering people from evil spirits is probably the most neglected ministry in the contemporary church today, especially in New England. That’s whyContinue Reading

Your feel like your heart is pure, and your hands are clean. You speak the truth and are getting eaten alive verbally for your effort. How in the world do you stand firm when the truth hurts those who hear it? You may feel alone, but like Elijah, you’ve neverContinue Reading

There are people I meet who can detect when every person is deceiving them, but one. The man in the mirror can tell a nearly undetectable lie! When we have deceived ourselves, it can put us into areas of bondage that we cannot see. How can there be healing fromContinue Reading

If you struggle in the arena of your mind, you’re not alone. The journey you are on has been a well-worn path by many, including myself. If you find yourself hard-pressed on every side, feeling like there’s no way out, I stand as a testimony of the Lord’s goodness andContinue Reading

About the Speaker Apostle Kevin Bailey has over 20 years of international ministry experience, training in deliverance, healing and counseling. He is an author and founder of Touch of the Master Healing Ministries, International based in Indianapolis, IN. Myths in Deliverance at the 1-Day Conference The 1-Day Deliverance Conference sawContinue Reading