bible Davids

Date and time Starts on Saturday, March 30 · 10am CDT Location Navarro Early College High School 1201 Payton Gin Road Austin, TX 78758 The Mass Deliverance comes to Austin Texas. Join Apostles Bible Davids and other leading voices in deliverance ministry for a one day only supernatural encounter withContinue Reading

Armed and Dangerous

Deliverance ministry training is an intense sixteen-hour training class to bring the Deliverance Minister to a competent level of spiritual warfare. Giving them the tools to Identify “The Strongman” and successfully deliver a candidate. Our ministry also stands upon years of experience, thousands of deliverances, and miracles. A One-on-Many massContinue Reading

Freedom Friday 4/19

SPEAKER: Lisa Piper will be leading the teaching tonight. She and the teams present will follow up with prayer afterwards! FREEDOM FRIDAY: Encounter the healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ at Freedom Friday! We start off with teaching or training in deliverance and then pray for anyone needing prayerContinue Reading

Brick Bible

I’ve had this Brick Bible article in my queue to write for months. I don’t want to work on it and I don’t want to release it! It’s not the inevitable backlash that is fueling my procrastination as much as the thought that those who should care will not. EvenContinue Reading


This special Wednesday night service is for those wanting freedom. The church just completed the Set Yourself Free Course. Amber and Lisa will join the Living Waters leadership for a night of freedom and thanksgiving to the One who sets the Captive Free! 115 Jefferson St. Cadiz KYContinue Reading