Are you interested in deliverance teaching, or do you want to be free? Below you’ll find some of the favorite teachings. Some are new and some old! Deliverance is part of what Jesus provided for us and for others! In the following video trainings/teachings, you will learn:

  • Biblical deliverance
  • Practical ways to set others free
  • Tips and ideas on where to begin

Luke 4:18 announced that Jesus came to do a lot more than perfectly atone for our sins. He came with gifts, provision, and so much more!

Six Steps To Freedom


It takes 1 hour to do these six videos. BUT…they’re great for an introduction to deliverance training and going through self-deliverance with the Lord!

Foundations to Freedom

Each class features a testimony of miracles and freedom as well as practical exercises to help guide the participant to victory and walking in total freedom! Recorded at The river.

4 Videos

Spirit of Rejection

One of the most popular teachings Lisa has done. It includes testimonies and a handout. 8 Videos in Playlist. Excellent deliverance training on a specific topic!

Ten Ministry Mistakes

Do you want to not make a flop out of the very thing you’re doing to help people?

The ministry of deliverance has gotten a “bad rap” in a lot of churches because of those who have gotten out of balance. The goal in this teaching is to prepare those in ministry to avoid error! 10 Videos

Minister Freedom to Marriages

A woman called the office and asked, “How do I minister to a friend of mine whose husband is having an affair? I don’t know what to do!”

Lisa responded by making a set of fairly short videos. (There’s 24) This series is for those ministering to spouses, but couples are free to go through them like they are sessions!

Miracle of Deliverance Course 1

An older 10 video course, but foundational. Originally, we had notes downloaded. All of the pertinent information is now available in one book: The Deliverance Companion.

This is a thorough foundational course on deliverance teaching to prepare the believer for freedom as outlined in Luke 4:18. 

Can I Be Free from Depression? A book by lisa Piper

Miracle of Deliverance Course 2

Want to go deeper? Part 2 is more about applying principles and doing the ministry.

This course will review safety in ministering to others, checks and balances, as well as how to set up a prayer session, how to break down barriers with the power of the Word and post deliverance information. 

Spirit of Poverty

In these teachings, Lisa will cover how to be set free from:

  • Poverty Mindset
  • Curses
  • Spirits
  • Fruits/Roots
  • Trauma

TIPS: Handy Teachings

Want content you likely won’t get anywhere? Check out these Miracle of Deliverance training quick tips!

Deliverance Resources
